About Charles Manson: The Funeral

“Charles Manson: The Funeral” goes inside the journey of Charles Manson’s grandson Jason Freeman who fought to control the notorious cult leader’s body and funeral. What unfolds confounds Freeman as he wrestles with the duty of caring for a deceased relative who also happens to be one of the world’s most vile criminals. Years before Charles Manson became the cult leader in California he was married to a woman in Ohio and had a son named Charles Manson Jr. who would later father Freeman. Since Freeman’s mother and father were never married Freeman kept his mother’s maiden name though the specter of the Manson name still loomed large throughout his life. When Freeman was only 16 years old his father committed suicide leaving him with complex emotions about his lineage and eventually increasing his curiosity about his infamous grandfather and what it all means for his own young family. The documentary goes inside the funeral with the first-ever footage of the service and cremation and shows viewers what happens when Freeman crosses paths with Manson supporters who want to say goodbye and add their own disturbing touch to his memory.
