Quiz: This Week in Celebrity History: Dec 17 – 23

Happy birthday Samuel L. Jackson! Do you know what record he holds over Harrison Ford, Matt Damon, Morgan Freeman and Robert Downey, Jr.?

Highest grossing actor of all time! Samuel L. Jackson and Harrison Ford danced back and forth as to who was the highest paid, but Jackson is currently winning by millions of dollars!
20 years ago Titanic premiered. It broke box office records, and tied the Oscar record with 11 wins. Do you know which other movies won 11?

Ben Hur & The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King! Ben Hur held the record for most Oscars for 38 years before Titanic tied it. It was another 9 years till The Lord of the Rings joined the club.
This week in 1966, this classic Christmas movie premiered. And this time next year, you can watch the Benedict Cumberbatch remake.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas! 51 years ago, Boris Karloff brought The Grinch to life, and it was an instant classic. Next year Benedict Cumberbatch will take a stab at the classic role, we can't wait to see it!
Happy Birthday Katie Holmes! Besides playing Jackie in The Kennedys -- After Camelot, what else did Katie do for the mini-series?

Directed an episode! Katie Holmes directed the third hour of The Kennedys - After Camelot. This wasn't her first time behind the camera, and it was the second time she pulled double duty.
Dec 20, 1957. Elvis Presley was the most famous man in America, but that didn't keep him from this patriotic duty.

Drafted into the Vietnam War! Elvis was given the option to work Special Services, where he would perform for the troops, but he didn't want special treatment, and went on to serve in the army till March 1960.
Keith Richards is celebrating his 74th birthday on the 18th. Do you know what he was doing on his 40th birthday?

Getting married to Patti Hansen! Hansen and Richards married on his 40th birthday, in 1983. The couple has 2 daughters, and are still going strong today!
Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher guest were also married on the 18th. Do you know which couple has been together longer, Curtis or Richards?

Keith Richards and Patti Hansen have been together longer! Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest were married on December 18, 1984, 1 year after Richards. Curtis and Guest married just months after they met, and are also still going strong today!
Sia is celebrating her birthday this week! She topped the charts in 2014, but has been making music for years. Do you know how many albums she's released?

Sia has released 8 studio albums! Her first album came out in 1997!
This week in Hollywood history, child mega star Shirley temple signed her first major contract with fox. Do you know how old she was?

5! Shirley Temple started her career when she was 3 years old, but got her first big contract when she was 5.
80 years ago, Disney’s first animated feature film premiered. Do you know which classic it was?

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs! At the 11th Academy Awards, Walt Disney was awarded an honorary Oscar for it's "significant screen innovation which has charmed millions." The award included one full size statuette and seven miniature ones!
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