Lyle and Eric Menendez’s Spending Spree

$15,000 in Rolex watches
Three days after the murders, and months before any suspicion had come on the boys, they spent $15,000 on three Rolex watches.

Lyle gets a Porsche
Looking to keep up the lavish life style he was accustomed to, Lyle picked himself up a gunmetal gray Porsche 911 Carrera for $64,000.

Erik gets a Jeep
Although not the lavish spender his brother was, Erik upgraded his vehicle to a brand new Jeep Wrangler.

Lyle goes into business
Looking to prove that he’s just as business savy as daddy, Lyle buys a restaurant named Chuck’s in Princeton, New Jersey for $550,000. He promptly runs it into the ground.

Erik wants to be a champ
Their father always emphasized the importance of excelling, if not winning, in everything. Erik had already been winning at tennis for years as an amateur, but with the help of his $60,000 a year personal trainer, he hoped to be winning as a pro.

Lyle living large
Lyle loved shopping, and did it often. On one occasion he picked up $24,000 in stereo equipment. Another time it was $40,000 in clothes. By the end of it all, he had racked up $90,000 on his father’s American Express card.

Safety first
Lyle and Erik also hired their very own bodyguards…to keep them safe from the mob…because the mob had killed their parents…and were obviously after them.

Taking some time off
The boys also went on several expensive vacations and managed to rack up thousands of dollars in bills partying with friends, ordering room service, and popping bottles.